Fishing Cart Balloon Tires vs. Standard Tires

We are often asked this question so we thought there would be value in adding a blog post to help answer the question: Do you recommend the fishing cart with balloon tires or do you recommend the fishing cart with standard tires?
The answer is.... It Depends!
The reason we say it depends is because we don't know how you will be using the cart on a regular basis. We will do our best to break down the different environments and when you may want a fishing cart with balloon tires vs. a fishing cart with standard tires.
Fishing Cart with Balloon Tires
If you plan to use your cart on surfaces that are soft, like a beach, the fishing cart with balloon tires is for you. The reason being is that balloon tires tend to 'float' on the surface. The rubber is thin and they generally flexible allowing for that floating effect across soft surfaces.
Fishing Cart with Standard Tires
If you plan to use the cart on hard surfaces or hot surfaces, then the balloon tires are probably not for you. You will want a more durable tire that can stand up to rocks and hot surfaces. The beach fishing cart with standard tires will also work in the sand, it's just going to be a little more stiff when pulling the cart.
- Tags: Beach Fishing Carts
- Brian Gannuscio
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